Big Bad Boo Studios announces the official greenlight of their new original, animated series Galapagos X with commissioning Canadian broadcasters TVOKids, SRC Radio-Canada, Knowledge...
During the Television Critics Association’s Summer Press Tour on Friday, Hulu presented the company’s lineup of upcoming original programming, including the second season of...
The 32nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards premiered this week on GLAAD's YouTube channel, recognizing and honoring media for fair, accurate and inclusive representations of...
The Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television (the Canadian Academy) has announced the nominees for the 2021 Canadian Screen Awards in 141 film, television,...
Nominations for the 72nd Emmy Awards were announced Tuesday, recognizing a host of groundbreaking new programs and up-and-coming talent, along with beloved performers and...
In celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Disney Junior will debut three new episodes and a new short-form interstitial series of its hit...
Ahead of the highly-anticipated Season 2 premiere this Friday, Atomic Cartoons and Netflix has revealed first-look character images of the monstrous makeovers given to...
The nominees for the 2020 Canadian Screen Awards were announced today in 141 film, television, and digital media categories by the Academy of Canadian...
U.S.-Chinese animated comedy feature Extinct has announced key voice cast members ahead of its sales launch at Toronto Int’l Film Festival. International sales agent...
Canadian-American comedy legends Martin Short and Catherine O’Hara have signed on to MGM’s upcoming fully-animated The Addams Family feature. The much-lauded actors, who have...
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