Peacock today heralded the resurgence of a lovable reformed supervillain in the new family animated feature and companion series from DreamWorks Animation, inspired by...
Apple TV+ today announced its holiday lineup of all-new kids and family programming, featuring the debut of the Apple Original special The Velveteen Rabbit,...
Apple TV+ today announced a fun-filled autumn slate of all-new kids and family programming, featuring both CG and stop-motion animation offerings, including brand new...
Apple TV+ will premiere the new stop-motion series, Shape Island, based on the internationally bestselling trilogy of Shapes picture books by Mac Barnett and...
Everyone’s favorite huggable, inflatable, personal healthcare robot is back. Baymax, the beloved character introduced in Disney’s Oscar-winning 2014 feature Big Hero 6, is the...
In celebration of National Streaming Day, Disney+ has released a new trailer and key art for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Baymax!
Streaming exclusively on Disney+...
Teenage Euthanasia, the critically acclaimed, animated coming-of-all-ages comedy series about death, family and accidental resurrection gets new life with a second season on Adult...
On the heels of announcing the series premiere as part of its "Netflix & Chills" Halloween lineup, Netflix today unveiled the trailer and first-look...
Netflix announces three new animated comedy series for kids and families around the world. From renowned creators and fresh new voices, these series add...
Fans of Walt Disney Television Animation should save room on their Comic-Con International schedules for some can’t-miss panels featuring cast, creators and crew giving...
As has become a proud annual tradition, Disney (and its assorted studio brands) spent the weekend laying down a veritable carpet of official announcements...
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