Teen Titans Go!, the longest-running animated series in DC history, is celebrating its 400th episode with a special global roll out across Cartoon Network on...
October brings plenty of friendly frights and silly scares to kids' TV, including an unnatural horde of new Monster High animated series episodes debuting all...
WarnerMedia Kids & Family announced today exciting news surrounding the hit Teen Titans Go! franchise. To kickstart a super-powered summer, the Teen Titans and...
Season three of the web-slinging, Emmy Award-nominated Marvel's Spider-Man: Maximum Venom debuts with a one-hour special on Sunday, April 19 at 9 p.m. EDT/PDT...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Warner Archive Collection are bringing an unparalleled posse of comics and toon icons to San Diego for Comic-Con International...
A third season of Emmy Award-nominated animated series Marvel’s Spider-Man will be swinging to Disney XD, straight for a spring 2020 premiere. Packed with...
***This article originally appeared in the August ‘18 issue of Animation Magazine (#282)***
Turning an animated series into a feature is an opportunity to delight...
Peter Parker returns for a fresh set of web-slinging adventures when the action-packed second season of Marvel’s Spider-Man premieres Monday, June 12 in a...
Hasbro is flexing its classic brand muscles with new original animated series Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters set to premiere on Netflix worldwide...
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