Mondo TV is returning to MIPCOM with new and expanding titles. “Despite the difficulties of the past 18 months, we have successfully developed, produced...
Ireland's Animation Dingle Festival has been approved as an Academy Awards-qualifying festival. From 2021 onwards, the recipient of Animation Dingle’s Best Irish Professional Short...
The Oscar-nominated film Wolfwalkers from Kilkenny studio Cartoon Saloon was the big winner in this year's Irish Animation Awards on Friday (May 21), coming...
The nominees for the 2021 Irish Animation Awards have been announced by Animation Ireland, the trade association for Irish animation studios. The biennial awards...
Cloudco Entertainment in the United States, in conjunction with co-production partners Watchnext Media in France and Kavaleer Productions in Ireland, are pleased to announce...
Leading Irish animation studio Pink Kong Studios has announced that its first original preschool series, Urban Tails, will premiere on RTÉjr on September 30....
Dublin-based animation studio Turnip & Duck has announced that their first-ever original comedy series, Critters TV, will premiere on RTÉjr this October. The show...
‘Oxenfree’ Now Available for $9.99
Just in time for Halloween, Night School Studio’s acclaimed game gets a permanent price drop across Xbox One, PlayStation 4,...
As the acclaimed children’s preschool brand Puffin Rock enjoys continued success around the world, its co-owners -- Cartoon Saloon, Penguin Books and Dog Ears...
The 2019 Irish Animation Awards were held Saturday in Dingle, with Paper Panther Productions striding to the fore with three awards: Best Animation, Best...
The enchanting Irish coastal town of Dingle will once again welcome the animation world to its hearths this weekend for the seventh Animation Dingle...
Animation Ireland announced the nominees for the third Irish Animation Awards, which will take place in Dingle on Saturday, March 23 during the Animation...
Animation Jobs Are Booming in Southern California
Los Angeles Daily News has the scoop on where they are and how to get ‘em!
Additional 12,000 Staff...
Here are some of the reactions of today’s Oscar nominees the Animation and VFX-related categories:
Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman, directors, Spider-Man: Into...
Spanish producer, distributor and service studio Motion Pictures has secured a raft of presales for its new animated series MyaGO (104 x 5’30”), produced...
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