Netflix today unveiled the official Season 2 trailer for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, bringing more thrilling animated adventure to the streamer next month. Produced by...
DreamWorks Animation roared into the final hours of San Diego Comic-Con by debuting the teaser trailer, premiere date and new images for Jurassic World: Chaos...
Earth's wildest honeymooners are coming back to Hulu Animayhem next month, when Season 5 of Solar Opposites arrives on the streamer on August 12. From...
Netflix today dropped the official trailer, key art and new images for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, the latest animated entry in the blockbuster dino franchise....
Hulu has delivered a heart-shaped box of pain and hilarity to adult animation fans, unleashing the trailer for the new Solar Opposites Valentine's Day...
Build-A-Bear Entertainment, Foundation Media Partners and Montreal-based animation shop Laughing Dragon Studios announce Kabu, a new animated series inspired by classic Build-A-Bear characters including...
After a period of cosmic interference, the dysfunctional ETs of animated Hulu Original series Solar Opposites have settled a fourth season of wildly bizarre, hilarious...
it's time to get interactive with your favorite animated Jurassic Park dinos. Netflix has released the first trailer for its upcoming interactive Camp Cretacious...
Hulu is ready to bring some seasonally outer space-y mayhem to screens this month when the new Solar Opposites Halloween special premiers on October 3,...
Series creator Justin Roiland is keeping busy over at Hulu this fall. In addition to the recently announced The Paloni Show! Halloween Special!, executive produced...
Season 2 of the hit web-slinging preschool series Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends, from Disney Branded Television, premieres Friday, August 19 with a...
ABC, Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation, Disney Television Studios, Disney+, FX and Hulu are ready to take over the San Diego Comic-Con convention...
Disney-Pixar's Lightyear is ready to rocket up the domestic box-office charts, with trades reporting a $5.2 million Thursdsay preview night take. The Toy Story spinoff directed by...
DreamWorks Animation has released the first teaser for the fifth and final season of Annie Award-winning hit Netflix series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, hatching...
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