The critically acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series Creature Commandos, written and executive produced by filmmaker and DC Studios Co-Chair James Gunn, has been renewed...
Emblazoned with a freshly forged DC Studios logo and fortified with an enviable creative pedigree, Creature Commandos just charged onto the Max streaming platform...
Max has released the official trailer for the original adult animated series Creature Commandos, written and executive produced by DC Studios CEO James Gunn, during...
Warner Bros. Discovery's Max announced today that its original, adult animated series Creature Commandos will premiere on the platform Thursday, December 5. Written and executive...
The heroic voice cast of Creature Commandos, the first animated series project announced for DC Universe Chapter 1: Gods & Monsters, was revealed today. The...
This unpredictable year has led to all-new ways for fans to virtually engage with festivals, conventions and events around the world from the comfort...
The Walt Disney Studios have released their official 2017 feature release catalog, full of fresh titles, hotly anticipated sequels, a royal revamp … and...
Framestore and MPC each faced distinct challenges in animating Guardians of the Galaxy's Rocket and Groot.
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy is like a...
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