The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
The annual whirlwind San Diego Comic-Con is about to commence, opening July 25-28 in the San Diego Convention Center. The super-sized pop culture and media...
It’s often claimed that luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. For the influential Ultraman franchise, there has been no shortage of preparation for the...
Netflix will return to the Annecy International Animated Film Festival with an packed agenda featuring a variety of films and series, off the back of...
Netflix today revealed the official key art and premiere date for the upcoming animated movie Ultraman: Rising, based on the globally popular sci-fi superhero franchise...
Netflix's little lost stuffed rabbit found lots of fans last night! The streamer's acclaimed live-action CG fantasy miniseries, Lost Ollie, won five Emmys at...
Following its Academy Award win for Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio and acquisition of Animal Logic, Netflix reveals details for nine animated films to be released...
Torino, Italy-based VIEW Conference has announced new details about its 23rd edition which takes place Oct. 16-21 this year. According to event organizers, most...
The days in the Northen Hemisphere are getting hotter, but families everywhere can beat the heat, reconnect and stay entertained thanks to a sizzling...
Annecy Festival attendees were today treated to a first look at The Spot, a new villain in Sony Pictures Animation's two-part sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,...
Italy's premiere animation, VFX and computer graphics gathering VIEW Conference has unveiled its full program of events for this year's 22nd edition.
VIEW Conference 2021...
Netflix announced today that it is in development on a fully CG-animated Ultraman feature film, in partnership with Japan's Tsuburaya Productions and produced with...
Netflix today revealed the stellar main cast for upcoming limited series Lost Ollie, announced in October. Jonathan Groff, Mary J. Blige, Tim Blake Nelson,...
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