Genius Brands International, Inc. today announced Kartoon Channel!’s premiere of the all-new action-adventure comedy series for children, Shaq’s Garage, starring and executive produced by...
Award-winning global independent animation studio ZAG ( is sending its action-comedy series Ghostforce (52 x 11') to Disney Channels U.S.; the broadcaster has licensed...
Genius Brands International, a global brand management company that creates and licenses entertainment content for children, filed its Form 10-Q for the period ending...
Genius Brands, a global brand management company that creates and licenses multimedia entertainment content for children, today announced the promotion of Jon Ollwerther to...
Genius Brands International officially launched its newest animated children's series Stan Lee's Superhero Kindergarten on Friday. Starring action screen hero Arnold Schwarzenegger and conceived...
Genius Brands International, a global brand management company that creates and licenses multimedia entertainment content for children, announced the executive promotion of Michael Jaffa...
Genius Brands International, Inc., a global brand management company that creates and licenses multimedia entertainment content for children, today announced plans for a transformative...
Genius Brands International, a global brand management company that creates and licenses multimedia entertainment content for children; and ABG Entertainment, a division of Authentic...
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