Two promising adult animated series have hit the wall at their respective streamers, despite being previously confirmed for more episodes: critically acclaimed sci-fi drama Pantheon (AMC+)...
Building on this morning's announcement that Netflix was teaming up with Ghost Corps for a brand-new Ghostbusters animated series, the streamer's Geeked Week Anination Showcase has...
***This article originally appeared in the November '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 314)***
The United States as depicted in Netflix’s new 2D-animated series Inside...
Netflix's inaugural TUDUM global fan event showered down sneak peeks and updates on the streamers' popular titles and highly anticipated new projects on Saturday,...
Another original kids’ series from a top animation talent will be haunting Netflix streaming, as City of Ghosts from Elizabeth Ito -- an Emmy-winning...
Netflix is adding to its adult animation line-up with a 20-episode order for Inside Job, the first project from showrunner and executive producer Shion...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to build steam for its original animation train, confirming a raft of original features and series this week. For a...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to lead the accelerating charge for original adult animation, with sources telling The Hollywood Reporter that an in-house animation studio...
Emmy and Annie Award-nominated animation writer Shion Takeuchi, currently a staff writer on Netflix’s recently premiered Disenchantment, has signed a multi-year, overall deal with...
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