Lion Forge Entertainment announced today that Iyanu, Roye Okupe's animated superhero series isnpired by the legends and culture of Nigeria, is set to launch...
In 2015, South African animation studio Triggerfish, which is best known for animated features such as Zambezia, Khumba and Seal Team and producing episodes...
Sky announced that it has commissioned a third season of the BAFTA Scotland award-winning kids' series The Brilliant World of Tom Gates (20x11’) from...
South Africa-based international SVOD platform Showmax is ready to score with its first original animated series, Jay Jay: The Chosen One. A super heroic reimagining...
Italy-based kids' content leader Rainbow has teamed up with Vertical Licensing to distribute its global preschool hit 44 Cats across Brazil. The popular 52...
The world’s most beloved, foul-mouthed, substance abusing mad scientist and his hapless grandson are blasting off on more unfathomable (and likely uncomfortable) adventures as...
Europena content powerhouse Rainbow is launching its new animated series 44 Cats (52 x 13’) in Canada with a multi-broadcaster approach. Corus Entertainment will...
With Kidscreen Summit kicking the spring market season into serious gear next week and first quarter check-ins from major networks, there’s an avalanche of...
Turner held its Upfront event in Johannesburg, South Africa this week, revealing a fresh lineup of programming, content and partnerships for the African market....
Kids’ entertainment specialist CAKE has inked a number of deals in key territories for pioneering animated preschool series Pablo (52 x 11’), the first...
Spain-based Imira has announced the closing of a number of distribution deals in advance of this week's MIFA at Annecy.
Imira has closed with Netflix...
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