Tag: SIGGRAPH 2013

Thinkbox Software Announces Krakatoa for MAXON CINEMA 4D

Thinkbox Software has acquired code to bring its particle renderer, Krakatoa, into MAXON's CINEMA 4D modeling and animation software. Initial efforts to link the...

SIGGRAPH to Highlight CG Advances

As part of the SIGGRAPH 2013 computer arts and technology confab (July 21-25 in Anaheim, CA) the exciting Dailies live show program will celebrate...

SIGGRAPH Animation Fest Announces 2013 Winners

The top prize for this year’s Computer Animation Festival at SIGGRAPH has been awarded to the short A La Francaise, directed by Morrigane Boyer,...

SIGGRAPH Tech Papers Preview

The organizers of the SIGGRAPH 2013 Technical Papers program have revealed details of what those looking for the latest in scholarly work related to...

DWA Releases OpenVDB 1

DreamWorks Animation is seeking to redefine volumetric storage and processing with the release of a new open source framework developed by studio engineers for...