Netflix has renewed its deal to carry Universal Pictures' raft of animated feature hits, which includes releases from powerhouse studios DreamWorks Animation (Shrek, Kung...
The quadruped pop sensations of Illumination's hit animation franchise Sing are back for special Halloween performance! Premiering October 16 exclusively on Netflix, Sing: Thriller is a...
There’s a good reason for the low human character quotient in Universal and Illumination’s sparkling new holiday release Migration. The film depicts the misadventures...
New figures compiled by a surprising source, SuperCasinoSites, have placed the origin tale of Illumination's beloved super villain, Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022),...
Something adorably nefarious awaits Illumination movie fans at the Universal Orlando Resort in Florida, which today (August 11) officially opened its new Minion Land....
This holiday season, blockbuster animation studio Illumination (Minions, Despicable Me, Sing, The Secret Life of Pets) invites audiences to take flight into the unknown on a...
Momo Wang, who is best known as the creator of the popular bunny character Tuzki and as an animator/creative director at Illumination Entertainment, is...
Emmy-nominated Saturday Night Live performer and writer Leslie Jones (Our Flag Means Death, Ghostbusters 2016) is reportedly starring in and executive producing a new adult...
***This article originally appeared in the April '22 / International Education & Career Guide issue of Animation Magazine (No. 319)***
Eddy Okba is an animator...
Everyone’s favorite creepy and kooky family is back on screens in their big-screen animation debut, The Addams Family, arriving on Digital December 24 and...
Film industry veteran David Burke has been appointed Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at Oscar-winning animation studio LAIKA, creators of Coraline, ParaNorman, The Boxtrolls, Kubo...
***This article originally appeared in the June/July ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 291)***
Five years ago, the team at Illumination Entertainment, led by producers...
SC Films will be introducing another new family animation title with a mysterious holiday twist at the Cannes market, with Where’s Santa? Young Sherlock...
The Visual Effects Society has named Chris Meledandri, acclaimed Oscar-nominated producer and founder and CEO of Illumination, as the forthcoming recipient of the VES...
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