Two leading purveyors of adult-targeted digital and TV animation have joined forces, with Mondo Media (Happy Tree Friends, Deep Space 69, Dick Figures) and...
Adult Swim has announced its programming plans for 2015-16, which includes 30 new original series, specials and pilots joining its slate of returning hits....
Multi-platform media company Fusion has announced a new quarter-hour animated sketch series titled Like, Share, Die, being produced by leading YouTube-based animation distributor Mondo...
The most unexpectedly awesome use of animation this year comes home with the release of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (Fox, $59.99 Blu-ray, $49.98 DVD)....
Women In Animation has set a Director's Club panel featuring the industry's top female directors as its March tent-pole event at Cinefamily.
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Cinedigm and Yekra have announced plans to release the popular, crowd-sourced Dick Figures: The Movie on September 17. The property, which has registered over...
The creative cartooning duo of Ed Skudder and Zack Keller aren't just dickin' around: the enormously popular anti-heroes of their Dick Figures YouTube series...
The nominations for the 3rd annual Streamy Awards were announced early Monday.
The five nominees for Best Animated Series are:
Tom Hanks’ Electric City (Tom...
Six Point Harness and Titmouse have launched a new YouTube animation channel called Rug Burn. The founders of these prominent independent animation studios have...
We’re only talking about Adult Swim’s newest animated star and his funkadelic show, Black Dynamite! Can ya dig it?
Cartoon Network’s irreverent late night block,...
Six Point Harness has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a feature-length Dick Figures movie.
The animated Dick Figures series of about 40 shorts has recorded...
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