Epsilon Film has got its paws on the worldwide distribution rights for The Amazing Maurice 2, the upcoming CG-animated sequel featuring Maurice, the self-proclaimed...
Sky announced that it has commissioned a third season of the BAFTA Scotland award-winning kids' series The Brilliant World of Tom Gates (20x11’) from...
Award-winning animation company Omens Studios has secured a multi-season commission from Singapore’s national public broadcaster MediaCorp to produce two brand-new series based on its...
European animated series pitch fest and networking hub Cartoon Forum is expanding its efforts to restructure and streamline the continent's toon market, creating a new...
Gutsy Animations’ internationally celebrated, Emmy nominated animated series Moominvalley (13 x 22’) has been recommissioned for a fourth season by its anchor broadcasters Sky...
Global kids and family content distributor Jetpack Distribution announces deals with 12 broadcast partners across Europe for 760 half hours of character-driven, animated and...
Following Sky’s successful Up Next showcase event at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London last night (May 17), where the broadcaster unveiled an exciting...
Private equity firm Key Capital Partners (KCP), has completed a minority investment into Jellyfish Pictures — a London-based studio providing high-quality animation, visual effects...
Twin Pines, the Madrid-based digital post-production company, looked after the visual effects for La Fortuna, the new Movistar+ series directed by Alejandro Amenábar. This...
Moonbug Entertainment Ltd. -- the digital-first, global children’s entertainment company behind CoComelon -- has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by the...
Sky (U.K.) released first-look character images and new teaser poster for The Amazing Maurice, a Sky Original arriving next year to mark the 20th Anniversary of...
Finland's Aurora Studios now owns 40% of the internationally successful animation studio Anima Vitae. The remaining ownership remains with the company's founders Antti Haikala,...
New 'Johnny Test' Series Launches on Netflix
Fans of the over-the-top action comedy which ran from 2005 to 2014 can now enjoy all-new adventures with...
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