Animation industry veteran Rob Davies has joined Vancouver, Canada-based Slap Happy Cartoons as a partner along with studio founders Greg Sullivan, Kathy Antonsen and...
Vancouver’s Slap Happy Cartoons has announced a partnership with Andrews McMeel Entertainment, a division of global media company Andrews McMeel Universal, to develop the...
9 Story Distribution International has entered into an agreement with Vancouver-based Slap Happy Cartoons to acquire the animated series The Hollow (10 x 22’),...
Vancouver studio Slap Happy Cartoons announces that the second season of its animated comedy series Nerds and Monsters will premiere on Corus Entertainment’s YTV...
9 Story Entertainment has signed up multiple broadcasters for Slap Happy Cartoons' animated comedy series Nerds and Monsters (40 x 11). Licensees include TVE...
Vancouver-based Slap Happy Cartoons has announced that its animated 20 x half-hour series Nerds and Monsters will get its Canadian television premiere on Corus...
Vancouver-based animation studio Slap Happy Cartoons will produce a series of animated shorts for Canadian pubcaster Knowledge Network. The project will feature the network’s...
9 Story Enterprises is expanding to include acquired programming in its catalog, beginning with the international distribution rights to Slap Happy Cartoon’s new animated...