Korean studio Hong Dang Moo's animated series Magic Adventures: The Crystal of Dark and Italy's Rainbow Media's 44 Cats were the top most-screened shows...
Paris-based Technicolor Animation Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment will produce a CG-animated television series based on best-selling PlayStation videogame series, Sly Cooper.
Global distribution –...
Canada's deep talent pool, excellent infrastructure and generous tax incentives are fueling a new boom in animation and visual-effects work.
Michael Hefferon
Few countries as well...
Disneyphiles may have noted that this August marks the 45th anniversary of one of Disneyland's most iconic attractions: The Haunted Mansion. Yes, it was...
Rainmaker Entertainment and independent production company Blockade Entertainment have closed distribution deals for its CG-animated feature films Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper.
Cinema Management...
Animation studio Rainmaker Entertainment and independent production company Blockade Entertainment have announced they will follow up their animated feature Ratchet & Clank with another...
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