November marks the 35th anniversary of Disney Television Animation, the studio that has created so many beloved, pop-culture toon phenomena which have touch viewers...
Production has begun on Disney Junior's The Chicken Squad, a new animated series for preschoolers and their families slated to debut in 2020. Inspired...
DreamWorks Animation unveiled the high-flying trailer and cast of its new preschool series Dragons Rescue Riders. This all-new chapter for young fans set in...
Russie Taylor, an award-winning voice actress who was the official voice of Minnie Mouse for over three decades, died July 26 in Glendale, California....
Herschend Entertainment Studios announced that production has commenced on season six of their popular children’s animated series, Chuggington, and that Alpha Group has been...
Eleven celebrated filmmakers, performers and entertainment innovators will be honored as Disney Legends during the D23 Expo 2019. Hosted by Disney Chairman and CEO...
Emmy Award winner Craig Gerber, whose talent and leadership steered Disney Junior’s Sofia the First and Elena of Avalor to critical acclaim and worldwide...
Sofia the First: Forever Royal, a special extended-length finale for Disney Junior’s Humanitas and Emmy Award-winning preschool princess series, will premiere Saturday, September 8...
The prestigious Humanitas Awards will be accepting submissions for its 44th Annual Awards on September 1st. The awards will be held in Februrary 2019...
Academy Denies Animation Producer Kobe Bryant Opportunity to Become Member
The sports star, who won the Best Animated Short Oscar together with Glen Keane this...
Humanitas, the nonprofit org dedicated to supporting writers, has announced the list of the 2017 Humanitas Prize award nominees. The award is given to...
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