Women in Animation will present the next event in its professional development series on Wednesday, August 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Burbank, California's Animation...
In recognition of Disney Junior's growing success, 12-year Mouse House veteran Nancy Kanter has been promoted to Executive Vice President, Original Programming and General...
BRB/Dracco's Filly Funtasia Staffs Up: BRB and Dracco's upcoming new animated series Filly Funtasia has put together a top-notch writing team: Dean Stefan (The...
Disney Junior and Brown Bag Films introduce preschool audiences to a close-nit creature family in a new toon called Henry Hugglemonster.
Watch out, Dora the...
Disney’s preschool channel Disney Junior has officially launched in the U.K. in high definition. The Mouse cabler already transmits HD versions of its core...
Disney Junior has picked up the top-rated animated series Sofia the First for a second season.
The pickup for the series about Disney's first little-girl...
The good folks at Disney Junior have offered us a great behind-the-scenes preview of their upcoming new series Princess Sofia. Following its highly rated...
Following its highly watched movie premiere, Disney’s newest animated star, Sofia the First will begin its series run on Friday, January 11 on Disney...
It seems like yesterday when Disney’s Princess Tiana (Princess and the Frog) generated lots of debate over the depiction of multicultural characters in animated...
New animated programs from Craig McCracken, a new Marvel Universe programming block and preschooler series Doc McStuffins are front and center at Disney, which...
Disney Junior, a 24-hour basic cable/satellite channel created for kids age 2-7 and their parents and caregivers, will launch Friday, March 23 at midnight...
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