Prepare for a nefarious Halloween with Gru and the Minions with Despicable Me 4, streaming exclusively on Peacock beginning October 31. The latest entry...
The film that helped Illumination's supervillain adventures become the first animated franchise to ever cross $5 billion, Despicable Me 4 will be available on Digital...
Moviegoers are about to go bananas this week when Despicable Me 4 makes its big screen debut. The Illumination-produced CG sequel opens Wednesday, July 3...
Illumination today debuted the second official trailer for Despicable Me 4 — the first Despicable Me movie in seven years, set to arrive in theaters on...
On Sunday, Illumination and Universal Pictures debuted the official trailer for Despicable Me 4 -- the next installment of the highest-grossing animated franchise in history....
Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards 2022 was an epic night filled with a record-breaking 1,000 slimings on Saturday, April 9, at 7:30 p.m. (ET/PT), live...
This past Friday, U.S. audiences were treated to director Rodrigo Perez-Castro's 2D-animated feature Koati, which stars and is exec produced by Sofía Vergara. The...
The global conservation organization WWF has joined forces with the team and cast of the much-anticipated animated comedy film Koati, to bring to light...
Globally popular Grammy-winning artist Marc Anthony and his Magnus Studios continue their ingress into animation, partnering on the new animated feature comedy Koati, starring...
This story originally appeared in the August-September issue of Animation Magazine. Columbia Pictures releases The Emoji Movie in theaters Friday, July 28.
Emojis are smiling,...
A next-gen trailer for Sony Pictures Animation's behind-the-screen adventure The Emoji Movie has arrived, broading our view of the colorful, complex world of mobile...
The 2016 Kids' Choice Awards came around Saturday night, broadcast live from L.A. on Nickelodeon. Hosted by country music star and TV personality Blake...
George Miller’s Oscar-winning, soft-shoeing penguin crew is back in the new 3-D adventure, Happy Feet 2.
Back in 2006, audiences around the world got their...
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