Ahead of its world premiere in the Annecy Presents Official Selection of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, The Sloth Lane animated feature has...
Sola Media has announced it has taken on international sales duties for the CG-animated feature film The Super Elfkins, from Akkord Film (Germany). The sequel...
Like A Photon Creative (LAPC) in partnership with Screen Queensland has announced the voice cast of Combat Wombat: Back 2 Back. The tech-themed sequel...
Norwegian family animated feature Teddy's Christmas has signed on actor Zachary Levi (Shazam! films, Tangled) to voice its titular stuffed toy, with the CG pic set...
One of the oldest and biggest animation studios in Russia, SMF Animation Studio (Soyuzmultfilm) announced an upcoming three-picture slate of feature-length projects during last...
DreamWorks Animation announced that a fourth season of the hit series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will return to Netflix on December 3. The news...
Leading international kids' and family film distributor Sola Media (Germany) has struck a deal to bring the case-cracking comedy of The Secrets of Honey...
Germany's Sola Media has taken sales rights to Riki Group's animated feature Finnick, which will be introduced to buyers at the upcoming Cannes Marche...
Tenerife Film Commission director Ricardo Martínez Cedrés guides us through some of the latest developments and opportunities for animation productions in the scenic Canary...
Pixar Staff Speaks Out against Disney Moving Its Films to Streaming Only
Several Pixar staffers spoke anonymously to BusinessInsider about the release tactic taken for...
Stuttgart-based animation sales outfit Sola Media has been acquired by Germany’s Koch Films. Screen Daily reports that Koch Films, which is part of the...
The jury has selected 50 projects from 19 different countries for the 14th edition of Animation Production Days (APD), taking place in Stuttgart, May...
Shout! Factory’s multi-platform film distribution/production arm Shout! Studios has inked a deal with Sola Media GmbH to release the animated family feature Swift (a.k.a....
Akkord Film, one of Germany’s leading animation production companies and a nominee for the 2018 Cartoon Forum Producer of the Year, has appointed Angela...
This year, the second annual Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards took over Santa Cruz de Tenerife, alongside its parallel Co-production Forum and Academic Congress events....
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