The next Annecy International Animation Film Festival will take place from June 8-14, 2025, and will pay tribute to Hungarian animation. The event will...
The Netherlands' energetic, artistic and not-to-be-missed animation event Kaboom Festival is ready to present another exciting program for its hybrid 2022 event, themed "Myths...
The Criterion Channel is planning a sizzling summer programming event for animation aficionados, with 31 boundary-pushing films from the 1950s up to the present...
Acclaimed animation director/writer/designer and illustrator Marcell Jankovics died early Saturday, May 29, in his lifelong hometown of Budapest, according to Daily News Hungary. The...
At long last, Marcell Jankovics' music-filled animated fantasy trip Son of the White Mare will receive an official U.S. release four decades after it...
Aquaman Confirmed as Queer in ‘Young Justice: Outsiders
The fan-favorite series revival revealed that one of its pivotal DC Universe heroes is part of the...