Tom Lennon's New York Times bestseller Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles is being magicked into an animated adventure-fantasy through DreamWorks Animation. Now...
The highly anticipated animated short Hair Love, which created a huge stir with its record-breaking Kickstarter campaign in 2017, will premier for North American...
Sony Picture Animation’s bold and innovative Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is getting some amazing reviews, ahead of its Dec. 14 release date. The movie,...
The World Animation Celebration 2017 festival is just around the corner, with a full two-day schedule of animated short films, informative industry panels, portfolio...
Sony Picture Animation has launched a first mobile teaser trailer for its upcoming 21st century comedy The Emoji Movie, featuring new voice talent Steven...
Oscar-nominated writer-director Kelly Asbury has been tapped to write Sony Picture Animation’s upcoming feature Pooch Café. Asbury most recently directed and co-wrote Gnomeo and...
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