Following this summer's announcement of a new animated series greenlit for the streamer, Netflix and Sony Pictures Animation are reportedly adding a full length...
Sony Pictures Animation's Spidey epic has set its directing duo for the third and final installment, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. The threequel will be helmed...
The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Netflix has officially greenlit the Ghostbusters animated series it announced in development with Sony Pictures Animation in 2022, Variety reports based on its sources....
Genndy Tartakovsky's adult animated feature film Fixed is now a stray on the distribution streets. Produced by Sony Pictures Animation, the doggy danglers comedy...
Today, Netflix got animated, previewing an exciting lineup of animated films and series coming in the next year during its jam-packed Next on Netflix: Animation...
Sony Pictures Animation, the studio behind the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and the smash-hit Hotel Transylvania film series, has announced an animated feature collaboration with...
Sony Pictures Animation (SPA) and Sony Pictures Imageworks (SPI) have partnered with the Kevin Love Fund (KLF) to digitally release the animated short film,...
Every year, we put together our hot list of up-and-coming animation artists whose careers are on fire. Whether they’re directors, storyboard artists, showrunners, production...
The animation community showered Sony Picture Animation’s Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Pablo Berger’s Robot Dreams and Netflix’s Blue Eye Samurai with a lot of...
This morning, the nominations for the 96th Academy Awards were announced at 5:30 in 24 categories. Here are this year’s animation and VFX nominees:
As Columbia Pictures celebrates its 100-year legacy, critically acclaimed and box office smash hit film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will be re-released in theaters...
The African American Film Critics Association (AAFCA | announced today the winners of the 15th annual AAFCA Awards honoring outstanding achievement in film...
Spider-Verse studio Sony Pictures Animation is developing a new feature film from Matt Braly, creator of the Emmy- and GLAAD Award-nominated Disney animated series Amphibia....
Independent prodco Kickstart Entertainment has tapped Nicole Rivera to build and manage its kids and family development slate. Based in Los Angeles, Rivera will be...
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