Animation Magazine is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s Hall of Fame Awards. The distinguished honorees will receive their awards at The World Animation Summit’s...
In 2019, Matthew A. Cherry’s Oscar-winning animated short Hair Love offered a beautiful snapshot of a Black father learning to fix his young daughter’s...
Animation Is Film (AIF) has announced the lineup for the 6th edition of its animated cinema festival, featuring a slate of theatrical presentations, special...
The Disney Revolt: The Great Labor War of Animation's Golden Age
As the animation and broader entertainment industries increasingly join the re-emerging workers' rights movement,...
As part of the 50th SIGGRAPH computer graphics confab taking place in Los Angeles this week (, the artistic tech wizards at Sony Pictures...
Sony Pictures has announced date shuffles for its 2024 theatrical release calendar, with many of the affected titles being knocked back by the SAG-AFTRA...
The Max Original Animation panel hosted at San Diego Comic-Con today included exclusive first looks at upcoming animated series coming soon to the streaming...
Sony regained its footing at the top of the domestic box-office charts this weekend, as the critically acclaimed sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse caught a...
After Disney’s World Premiere of centenary short Once Upon a Studio during the opening night ceremony, Annecy hosted on Monday the World Premiere of...
It was a big weekend for animated cinema around the globe, as Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Columbia Pictures) built on its promising domestic theatrical preview...
Following a spate of glowing reviews across the trades this week, Sony Pictures Animation can toast a heroic theatrical debut for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse....
Throughout his legendary career, Stan Lee, Spider-Man’s iconic co-creator, frequently cited the character’s ability to transcend race and culture as the primary key to...
LatinX in Animation (LXiA) announced its animation programming for the 22nd edition of the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (LALIFF). This year’s animation...
The big day is almost here, true believers! Ahead of the June 2 release of the eagerly awaited sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Sony Pictures...
The Annecy Festival revealed today more details of another packed program for 2023, including the selections for the feature film and Contrechamp competitions. Running...
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