In an era dominated by sleek CGI, where every pixel is meticulously crafted, Mystery Meat Media stands as a trailblazer of stop-motion’s tactile charm...
Spike Lee to Direct 1980s-Set Hip-Hop 'Romeo & Juliet' Tale 'Prince of Cats'
The BlacKkKlansman helmer has signed on to direct the Legendary Ent. adaptation...
Nominations for the 45th annual Saturn Awards, honoring motion picture, television, home entertainment and live stage productions, have been announced. For the first time...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced shortlists in consideration for the 91st Oscars in nine categories: Documentary Feature, Documentary Short...
During its first-ever content showcase in Asia, held in Singapore Thursday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos unveiled 17 new,...
Legendary Entertainment has placed the winning bid for feature adaptation rights to Ron Wimberly’s graphic novel Prince of Cats (2012, Vertigo; re-released in 2016...
After 14 days of films, conversations and celebrity guests, the 2018 San Francisco International Film Festival wrapped up another successful edition in the City...
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