Black Women Animate has announced the honorees for the second annual Black in Animation Awards Show, recognizing Black artists and executives for their contributions...
In a first time format for the event, the hybrid Cape Town International Animation Festival (CTIAF) was a resounding success. Presented by Animation SA,...
Funimation, the market leader in anime globally, along with partner Aniplex of America, will be releasing a brand new theatrical adventure Sword Art Online...
Animation production has begun on Akissi, a new 2D kids' TV special based on the international hit comic-book series by Marguerite Abouet and Mathieu...
Cape Town-based animation studio Triggerfish has announced their call for entries for a pan-African Story Artist Lab, sponsored by Netflix.
Shortlisted applicants will have three...
Jonathan Roberts, one of three credited screenwriters on Disney's animated classic The Lion King, is lending a helping hand to Triggerfish Animation Studios' feature...
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