Acclaimed Canadian animator Michel Gagné has been working on his solo feature effort The Saga of Rex since 2017. Gagné, whose recent credits include...
Actress Miranda Cosgrove (iCarly) and NFL superstar Rob Gronkowski will take on the slimiest roles of their lives as co-hosts of Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice...
Italy's premiere animation, VFX and computer graphics gathering VIEW Conference has unveiled its full program of events for this year's 22nd edition.
VIEW Conference 2021...
On the heels of announcing the series premiere as part of its "Netflix & Chills" Halloween lineup, Netflix today unveiled the trailer and first-look...
Cinesite Montreal has welcomed three new visual effects supervisors — Dottie Starling, Damien Hurgon and Ellen Poon — and a new Feature Animation Head...
'Space Jam: A New Legacy' Steals Ball Away from 'Black Widow' with $31M+ Opening
Despite less than stellar reviews and its simultaneous streaming launch on...
Oscar-winning director/producer Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, Contagion) will executive produce a new feature film titled Star, teaming up once again with Eddie Alcazar (Tapia, Perfect,...
Netflix announces three new animated comedy series for kids and families around the world. From renowned creators and fresh new voices, these series add...
Cinesite London has welcomed Antony Bluff to its leadership team, as Executive Producer. In his new role, Bluff will partner with the London production...
***An abridged version of this interview originally appeared in the June-July '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
Just in time for the 2021 Emmy...
Television and feature film screenwriter and producer Rob Edwards has written the script and is making his directorial debut with indie animated feature Sneaks....
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