Sony Pictures Animation's Spidey epic has set its directing duo for the third and final installment, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. The threequel will be helmed...
Nickelodeon today revealed the nominees for its annual slime-filled Kids’ Choice Awards, with over 50 first-time nominees from across the worlds of film, television, music,...
AfroAnimation, the largest annual event featuring diverse and BIPOC animators and creators, announced today the honorees for the first AfroAnimation Summit Icon Awards, along...
While the feature film category skipped over animated nominees Lightyear (Pixar) and Strange World (Disney) — going to Universal's Bros — animation braving new frontiers of...
The Visual Effects Society (VES) on Wednesday night held the 22nd Annual VES Awards, recognizing outstanding visual effects artistry and innovation in film, animation, television,...
The animation community showered Sony Picture Animation’s Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Pablo Berger’s Robot Dreams and Netflix’s Blue Eye Samurai with a lot of...
With several months of award-season hype and daily prognostication from experts, the actual arrival of the Annie Awards evening comes as a welcome event....
With the 96th Academy Awards around the corner, VIEW Conference ( in partnership with The VFX Festival ( is has announced exclusive virtual panels featuring...
Winners of the 38th Goya Awards (Premios Goya, were announced this weekend, marking the highlight of the Spanish cinema awards calendar. While the night's...
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - The Official Movie Special
This lavish, 96-page behind-the-scenes guide to Sony Pictures Animation's critically acclaimed Marvel sequel is packed with...
Following its market premiere at the European Film Market (EFM) on February 17, the CG-animated adaptation Dragonkeeper will bow on the festival circuit as...
Across countless cultures, mythology’s millennia-long dalliance with astronomy and astrology has begotten some of humanity’s most cherished stories. The Chinese zodiac, which oscillates through...
American Cinema Editors (ACE) announced today the nominations for the 74th Annual ACE Eddie Awards, recognizing outstanding editing in 14 categories of film, television...
Following the nominations announcement for the 96th Academy Awards early this morning, reactions from this year's esteemed nominees for the best animated feature and...
This morning, the nominations for the 96th Academy Awards were announced at 5:30 in 24 categories. Here are this year’s animation and VFX nominees:
Following the longlist announcement earlier this month, final nominees for the 2024 EE BAFTA Film Awards were announced during a livestream hosted by Naomi...
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