Sony Pictures Animation's Spidey epic has set its directing duo for the third and final installment, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. The threequel will be helmed...
Sony Pictures Animation, the studio behind the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and the smash-hit Hotel Transylvania film series, has announced an animated feature collaboration with...
Today, ASIFA-Hollywood announced the nominations for the 51st Annie Awards -- celebrating the past year's achievements in animated storytelling and craft across movies, television, streaming and more....
Forget The Bachelor ─ the actual perfect marriage of 2023 has been that between stirring, moving music and groundbreaking visual imagery in this year’s...
Sony Pictures Imageworks, the Academy Award-winning visual effects and animation company, has elevated two of its industry veterans to key creative leadership positions:
Michael Lasker...
Over the past 12 months, we lost many talented, brilliant women and men who devoted their lives to creating animated and VFX-driven projects through...
Spider-Verse studio Sony Pictures Animation is developing a new feature film from Matt Braly, creator of the Emmy- and GLAAD Award-nominated Disney animated series Amphibia....
Sony Pictures Imageworks has elevated former Executive Vice President and General Manager Michelle Grady to the role of President.
A 20-plus-year veteran of the VFX...
Acclaimed Canadian animator Michel Gagné has been working on his solo feature effort The Saga of Rex since 2017. Gagné, whose recent credits include...
VIEW Conference has unveiled its official program for 2023, offering a packed line-up of keynotes, talks, presentations, workshops and masterclasses. The English-speaking event dedicated...
Sony Pictures has announced date shuffles for its 2024 theatrical release calendar, with many of the affected titles being knocked back by the SAG-AFTRA...
It was a big weekend for animated cinema around the globe, as Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Columbia Pictures) built on its promising domestic theatrical preview...
Throughout his legendary career, Stan Lee, Spider-Man’s iconic co-creator, frequently cited the character’s ability to transcend race and culture as the primary key to...
The official Twitter feed for Disney+ South Africa has revealed the debut teaser trailer for its African sci-fi animation anthology Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire. Announced...
AfroAnimation, the largest annual summit featuring diverse, BIPOC and underrepresented animators, announced today its first in-person event will take place in Burbank, California from...
FOX Entertainment and Modern Magic, founded last year by Academy Award winning filmmaker Rodney Rothman (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) and producing partner Adam Rosenberg, have...
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