DreamWorks Animation Television and streaming giant Netflix are growing their partnership with three new kids’ series set to debut in 2019 and 2020, including...
MIPJunior has announced that Margie Cohn, President of DreamWorks Animation Television, will keynote this year’s edition of the world-leading kids’ entertainment industry event. The...
CHG Presents Camille Rose Garcia “The Wonderful World of Dr. Deekay"
LA’s Corey Helford Gallery will premiere a new, massive showcase of work by the...
Netflix and DreamWorks Animation Television are kicking their original programming relationship into the next gear with a Fast & Furious animated series due in...
Inni Karine Melbye, The Mother of Norwegian Animation 1937-2018
Journalist and friend of the pioneering artist, Nancy Denney-Phelps, remembers Melbye on the occasion of her...
DreamWorks Animation Television announces that Robert Winthrop will take on the role of Executive Vice President of Physical Production in January 2018, following the...
DreamWorks Animation Television and Netflix have announced that season 2 of hit animated series Spirit Riding Free will debut Friday, September 8, with a...
DreamWorks Animation Television has released the trailer for its new Netflix original series Spirit Riding Free, which makes its streaming debut on May 5....
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