The popular French-Belgian comic-book character Marsupilami is getting the modern CG-animated treatment in a new animated series produced by Belgian studio Belvision. The studio...
Peyo’s little blue mushroom-dwellers are going to return to the small screen once more, as official licensor IMPS announces it is joining forces with...
The Smurfs 2 director Raja Gosnell and animation director spill the beans on the trials and tribulations of bringing the little blue creatures' second...
French distributor Mediatoon Distribution has announced a spate of new international broadcasting sales for its 2D animated series Little Spirou (78 x 7). Additionally...
Prolific French comic-book artist and film director Joann Sfar discusses the real-life inspirations behind The Rabbi’s Cat and his love for American classics.
Joann Sfar,...
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