The shortlisted titles contending in the final judging round of the 14th Annual Kidscreen Awards have been revealed. The awards recognized excellence in children's entertainment...
Japan's iconic animation house Studio Ghibli appears to be teaming up with powerhouse American studio Lucasfilm (part of the Disney family), as hinted at...
In a brief interview with Deadline, Star Wars: Visions executive producer James Waugh hinted at whats in store for fans in the upcoming second batch of animated...
Award season is ramping back up, and Animation Magazine is excited to once again present our exclusive Emmy Nominees Panel, featuring the creative minds behind some...
The Television Academy revealed today (Tuesday, July 12) the nominees for the 74th Emmy Awards. In a live-streamed announcement, presenters JB Smoove (Curb Your...
***This report originally appeared in the March '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 318)***
For almost half a century, the annual Annie Awards ceremony has...
More guilds announced their 2022 award nominees today, namely the Art Directors Guild (ADG, IATSE, Local 800) and the Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE)....
***This article was written for the November '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 314)***
The new Star Wars: Visions anthology series, which premiered on Disney+...
Disney+ debuted the trailer and announced the Japanese and English dub voice casts for Star Wars: Visions, an upcoming anthology series from Lucasfilm that...
During Anime Expo Lite on Sunday, Disney+ announced the names of the seven Japanese anime studios bringing their unique talent and perspective to Star...
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