Animation industry vet Brian Keane will be joining Nickelodeon Animation Studios as Executive Vice President of Production and Operations, a newly created position. Keane,...
Toronto animation studio Arc Productions, formerly Starz Animation up until 2011, has halted operations and locked up its offices. CEO Tom Murray stated in...
Animation film and TV producer Igor Khait, who had most recently been working in Paris on Illumination Entertainment’s upcoming feature Sing, died at his...
Starz Animation's Film Roman studio has inked a first-look deal with producer-director-writer William Butler's Transition Entertainment. Butler and his team, which includes three-time Emmy...
Production distribution and rights management company Kid Glove has officially announced its new branch in São Paulo, Brazil. The news was released today by...
Entertainment industry veteran Brenda Wooding will launch Kid Glove, her new boutique production, distribution and rights management company at MIPCOM this year. The first...
Former Starz Animation president David Steinberg is the new senior VP of production, for Nick Animation Studios in Burbank, says The Hollywood Reporter. He...
Canadian animation studio Arc Prods (formerly known as Starz Animation Toronto) will be co-producing a new feature with Alcon Entertainment, based on the short...
Toronto-based animation house Arc Productions, recently acquired by a Canadian ownership group from Starz Media, has hired Stephanie Denton to head its Los Angles...
Toronto-based Arc Productions, formerly known as Starz Animation, is producing the animation for Matt Hatter Chronicles, a high-end 3D television series produced by Platinum Films...
Arc Productions — formerly Starz Animation — has signed with Paradigm for representation as it offers its visual effects and animation services for hire...
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