A new trailer, poster and images are now available introducing audiences to Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Encanto, the tale of an extraordinary family, the...
Disney Television Animation's critically acclaimed DuckTales will solve some mysteries and rewrite history with an epic 90-minute series finale special Monday, March 15 (7...
A new irreverent adult toon is joining SYFY's TZGZ lineup next month, when original series Devil May Care premieres Saturday, February 6 at midnight...
DreamWorks Animation has conjured up the official trailer for the final animated quest Guillermo del Toro's eight-time Emmy-winning Tales of Arcadia trilogy: Wizards. The...
Princess Elena's heroic journey to become queen culminates in an star-studded prime-time finale special of Disney's Emmy and Imagen Award-winning series Elena of Avalor,...
SYFY announced new original projects for its late-night adult animation block, TZGZ, including a new original animated series and three original pilots. Airing every...
***This article originally appeared in the February ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 287)***
Few films in recent years have surprised viewers more than 2014’s...
Blue Sky Studios and 20th Century Fox have unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming CG animated feature adventure Ice Age: Collision Course, arriving...
The latest short starring Blue Sky Studios beloved sabertooth rodent bowed in theaters this weekend, but now you can enjoy Cosmic Scrat-Tastrophe online thanks...
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