The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839, announced an historic milestone Friday: After a successful unionization effort to be represented by TAG, the bargaining unit...
The Animation Guild and the Titmouse NY Organizing Committee announce the ratification of TAG's first collective bargaining agreement with Titmouse's New York studio. This...
Today (Monday, April 3) at noon, The Animation Guild leadership and Walt Disney Animation Studios artists joined Walt Disney Animation Studios production workers in...
A supermajority of production workers at Walt Disney Animation Studio (WDAS) has unionized with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) to bargain...
In the latest step forward for worker solidarity in animation, a super majority of production workers at Nickelodeon Animation Studio has voted to unionize...
The Animation Guild (TAG), IATSE Local 839, reached an agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) on May 27, 2022.
1/11/22: Updated with statement from Chris Prynoski.
Animation workers at Titmouse New York studios have overwhelmingly voted to join The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839...
On February 16, The Animation Guild is hosting a virtual conversation that will explore the contributions of Black animation pioneers in celebration of Black...
The newly-elected Executive Board of The Animation Guild (Local 839) was sworn into office on December 3, with two incumbent officers resuming their positions:...
Contract talks between Hollywood union animators and producers have broken down after three days, Variety reports. The current deal expires on July 31.
The Animation...
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