Netflix has debuted the official trailer and interactive site for upcoming kids' action-comedy Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous -- the first animated adaptation of Michael...
Netflix and DreamWorks Animation announced today that the highly anticipated animated series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous will debut globally September 18 on Netflix. The...
Tubi (, the world’s largest ad-supported video on demand service, began rolling out Tubi Kids on Android on Tuesday. Tubi Kids will be available...
Dragon's Lair, the classic 1980s video game franchise created by Rick Dyer and animation icon Don Bluth, is getting a live-action feature revisit by...
The HFPA presented the 77th Golden Globe award ceremony on Sunday night, kicking the Hollywood awards season into high gear. Ricky Gervais returned to...
Featuring a keynote address from Marvel Studios production chief Victoria Alonso and 11 different production sessions delving into the making of blockbuster hits, this...
***This story originally appeared in the August ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 292)***
A mere quarter-century ago, even the most optimistic of fans attending...
DreamWorks Animation today announced Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, an animated action-adventure series, is set to debut globally on Netflix in 2020 as part of...
BAFTA and multi-award winning VFX and animation studio Jellyfish Pictures is opening of a new virtual animation facility in Sheffield. The move continues Jellyfish’s...
The Walt Disney Studios has unveiled its upcoming slate following the recent acquisition of the Fox film studios, including changes to previously dated films...
Digital artist Joel Payne, whose credits span the critically acclaimed video game Heroes of Might and Magic to Steven Spielberg’s Sky Pirates, Disney’s Atlantis:...
With the first puppetry project announced in Apple's multiseries children’s content deal with Sesame Workshop revealed at the company’s “It’s Showtime" event as educational...
VFX industry veteran Eric Brevig has joined global digital production company Method Studios as Senior VFX Supervisor and Creative Director. A two-time VFX Oscar...
YouTube Disables Comments on Tens of Millions of Videos Featuring Kids in Effort to Prevent Adpocalypse 2.0
The video platform has been in damage control...
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