Munich-based Studio 100 Film will present two new German animated feature films at the upcoming European Film Market (EFM) in Berlin this February: Conni...
Studio 100 International has debuted the first official trailer for its upcoming animated feature, Heidi – Rescue of the Lynx. The spot is available...
Heading into the fall content markets, Studio 100 International has extended its development efforts by forming strategic partnerships with co-production partners and studios. The...
Ahead of the American Film Market, Studio 100 International has announced the production of Arnie & Barney, an animated action-comedy adventure about two unlikely...
Producer-distributor Studio 100 International and film/TV prodco Caligari, both based in Munich, have joined forces with Studio 100 Group's Studio Isar Animation (Germany) and...
A home-made animated feature is ready to sink its teeth into Australian cinemas this summer, with StudioCanal debuting the official trailer for 200% Wolf. Opening...
Studio 100 Media (Germany) and 3Doubles Producciones (Spain) announce the start of development of their collaborative CG-animated feature film, Flamingo Flamenco (80 minutes). Scheduled...
Studio 100 Film (Germany) and Phanta Animation (The Netherlands) today announce their partnership for the adventure-comedy movie, Miss Moxy. Production began in February 2023,...
Germany’s Studio 100 Film is adding a new project to its animated feature slate: North. Produced by PictoryLand, the Norwegian CGI film is currently...
Germany’s Studio 100 Film (Maya the Bee - First Flight), Australia’s POP Family Entertainment (Alien TV) and Ireland’s Telegael jointly announce their partnership for...
***This interview originally appeared in the May '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 320)***
For the past three decades, Thorsten Wegener has been producing high-profile...
Studio 100 Media’s highly anticipated animation feature The Hero of Centopia has finished production and is ready for delivery, just in time for this...
Studio 100 Film and Kool Produktion AS are toasting the success of their recently completed animated feature, Ella Bella Bingo. The Norwegian production enjoyed...
Studio 100 Film and Kool Produktion have announced the international voice stars for the upcoming theatrical feature Ella Bella Bingo. Leading the cast are...
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