The Quirino Awards for Ibero-American Animation announced the winners of its 5th edition on Saturday, recognizing works from Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Spain. The...
Cyber Group Studios has acquired a majority stake in the award-winning Italian animation studio Graphilm Entertainment. The acquisition will increase CGS’s creative and production...
Jonas Poher Rasmussen's acclaimed animated retelling of one Afghani refugee's story will unfurl for a wider audience late this fall, when NEON brings Flee...
NEON film releasing has unveiled the official trailer and poster art for Flee, the acclaimed animated feature by Danish director Jonas Poher Rasmussen which...
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival unveiled the winners of its 12 Special Prizes on Friday in the Bonlieu. Determined by special juries and...
***This article originally appeared in the June-July '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
When Danish filmmaker Jonas Poher Rasmussen was a teenager, he befriended...
The 2019 Annecy Festival (June 10-15, has posted its feature film selections for both the prestigious festival competition and a diverse and entertaining...
Turner’s Cartoon Network EMEA has announced a brand-new animated comedy series is coming late this year, when The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince...
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