Jonas Poher Rasmussen's celebrated animated documentary Flee (Denmark/France/Sweden/Norway) enjoyed a stunning triple win at the 34th European Film Awards on Saturday. The true story of...
SLR Productions (Australia) has announced production of a second Alice-Miranda animated telemovie, Alice-Miranda - A Royal Christmas Ball, with returning partners Screen Australia, NINE...
SLR Productions has today announced the stellar creative team line-up on its new, original CGI animated series Space Nova, in association with Malaysian studio...
Australia’s SLR Productions and Malaysia’s Giggle Garage have formed a collaborative partnership which begins with SLR Productions’ new original CGI animated series, Space Nova....
SLR Productions, the Emmy-winning Australian kids’ entertainment company behind Guess How Much I Love You, Alice Miranda and other popular brands, announces the start...
Italy’s Atlantyca Entertainment, Australia’s SLR Productions, Ireland’s Telegael and Singapore & India’s Studio Cosmos-Maya announced at MIPCOM the co-production of a “buzz-kicking” new 52...
SLR Productions has announced an upcoming 80-minute animated drama-comedy TV movie, Alice-Miranda Shines Bright, to be produced in partnership with Screen Australia, Nine Network...
Australian kids' and family entertainment company SLR Productions has announced it will produce two new 26-minute holiday specials for its award-winning, internationally acclaimed preschool...
Sydney-based SLR Productions announced the option and development of Felice Arena's best-selling Andy Roid books, published by Penguin Books Australia. The popular tween franchise...
Sydney-based SLR Productions has begun development on an animated adaptation of best-selling and award-winning Australian children's book series, Alice-Miranda, from author Jacqueline Harvey and...
9 Story Media Group has secured multiples licenses for the animation/live-action hybrid series Monkey See Monkey Do (26 x 11, preschool). The second season...
Australia’s SLR Productions will be producing a second season if its top-rating animated comedy/adventure The Skinner Boys: Guardians of the Lost Secrets. The company...
Australia's SLR Productions has announced the creative team on its animated series Captain Flinn and The Pirate Dinosaurs which was recently green-lit for production...
The international animated co-production Teenage Fairytale Dropouts has found a home in Australia, where it's been picked up by the Seven Network.
The 52 x...
Anima Estudios (Mexico), SLR Productions (Australia) Home Plate Entertainment (U.S.) and Telegael (Ireland) have announced that their new animated co-pro Teenage Fairytale Dropouts has...
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