The animation community is mourning the passing of much-loved New York-based animator, cartoonist, historian and teacher (Parsons School of Design and School of Visual...
Animation Block Party’s 19th annual festival has launched with two original summer shorts lineups.
The Opening Night Celebration drops at Union Hall (702 Union Street,...
The legendary Toei Animation studio, in collaboration with the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) announced an exclusive Anime Expo ( performance...
***This article originally appeared in the April '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 319), International Education & Career Guide supplement***
While pandemic restrictions have impacted...
New York's School of Visual Arts (SVA) and the Visual Arts Foundation announced today that the College has partnered with Braintreehouse, creators of the...
School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City presents "ANIMATION CELEBRATION," an exhibition of the animated thesis films by the BFA Animation class...
New York's School of Visual Arts (SVA) presents "Before We Begin, Again," an exhibition of selected thesis projects by MFA Computer Arts 2021 graduates....
Since announcing an online version of the Annecy Festival and its Mifa animation market (, an entire team has been busy preparing a virtual...
School of Visual Arts (SVA) President David Rhodes has announced the appointment of Hsiang Chin Moe as chair of the College’s BFA Animation program,...
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