Ahead of its World Premiere at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival as an Official Selection for the new Annecy Presents section, an official...
The Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) will honor Academy Award-winner George Miller with its annual Filmmaker Award. The Australian writer, director and producer is...
Tribeca Enterprises and YouTube jointly announced today We Are One: A Global Film Festival, an unprecedented 10-day digital film festival exclusively on YouTube, bringing...
It’s always thrilling when a beautifully crafted project from indie animators makes it to the Academy Awards shortlist. That’s certainly the case with Andrew...
In December, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the titles advancing to nomination voting for the 90th Academy Awards Best Animated...
The official judges panel for The World Animation Celebration 2017 international short film animation festival have been announced, with pros from across the animation...
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