Like any live performance, professional wrestling is all about timing. With his new Adult Swim show, Invincible Fight Girl, creator Juston Gordon-Montgomery (DC Super...
Adult Swim’s new animated action-comedy series about a young girl who dreams of becoming the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Invincible Fight Girl,...
Paramount+ debuted the official trailer and key art for Season 2of the original animated series Transformers: EarthSpark. The first nine episodes of the sophomore...
The talented and determined helper fairies of DreamWorks' Dew Drop Diaries return with another season of everyday rescues next month! Season 2 premieres December 4...
Hulu and Peacock will be resurrecting the new horror-themed animated adventure Fright Krewe for a second season, expected to debut sometime in 2024. Produced...
The official trailer for the final seven episodes of the first season of Transformers: EarthSpark was revealed recently, during an exclusive panel at Comic-Con...
Tinker Bell is getting some major competition this month as DreamWorks Animation is introducing a group of three-inch-tall fairies in its new preschool show,...
Paramount+ announced today that the final seven episodes of the first season of Transformers: EarthSpark will be available to stream in the U.S. and Canada...
DreamWorks Animation today magicked up the official trailer for its whimsical new preschool animated series, Dew Drop Diaries, which will premiere July 24 exclusively on Netflix....
Paramount+ today announced the renewal of the original animated series Transformers: EarthSpark for a second season, which will follow the Malto family on even...
***This article originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Fall is the perfect time to bring back some classic animation...
Paramount+, Nickelodeon and Hasbro’s Entertainment One (eOne) today revealed the official trailer for the upcoming original animated series Transformers: EarthSpark, which will debut its...
Paramount+ today debuted the official key art for its upcoming original animated series, Transformers: EarthSpark, and announced the series will premiere on Friday, November...
Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and Entertainment One (eOne) today announced the voice actors breathing new life into original and franchise favorite characters in the upcoming Paramount+...
DreamWorks Animation has announced the cast of its Netflix original series Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, a visually striking coming-of-age tale from creator...
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