Soaring into production this fall from UK-based animation studio A Productions and Cyber Group Studios is Digital Girl, a dynamic techno-fueled superhero show focusing...
French studio Ellipse Animation is expanding its content range, with numerous projects of varying genres and target audiences in development through its various production...
TFOU, the children's programming block of TF1 (France), announced a pact with family animation studio La Chouette Compagnie (Droners, Imago) to develop Auzou Publishing's...
***This story originally appeared in the June-July ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 291)***
If you run into Pierre Sissmann, CEO and founder of Paris-based...
Paris-based Cyber Group Studios and Moscow-based Soyuzmultfilm Studio announce a coproduction agreement on two important animated kids series: Digital Girl and Magic Chess Odyssey....
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