Chris Miller (Shrek the Third, Puss in Boots) is attached to direct Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation’s Untitled Smurfs Animated Musical. Like it says...
A wonderful, insightful documentary about America's top voice actors called I Know That Voice will makes it premieres at the Grauman's Egyptian Theater on...
Laguna College of Art & Design has announced the Animation Master Class for Summer 2013 will feature stop-motion maestro Stephen Chiodo (Vincent, Team America,...
Fresh off earning a Gemini nomination for animating Nick at Nite’s Glenn Martin, DDS, Toronto-based Cuppa Coffee Studios will lend its expertise to a...
New Video’s Flatiron Film Company announces the U.S. debut of the supermarionation WWII farce, Jackboots on Whitehall, available on DVD, video on demand and...
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