January 2024 marked the milestone 25th anniversary of 20th Television Animation’s Family Guy, the raw and rowdy adult animation institution that first spawned on...
Peacock’s smash hit original series TED has been renewed for a second season. Following its January 11 launch, Season 1 of Seth MacFarlane's prequel series...
In new charts shared by The Hollywood Reporter, Parrot Analytics has ranked several animated series among the "Top Trending" streaming content for the week...
Fuzzy Door Tech, the recently launched technology division of Seth MacFarlane’s production company Fuzzy Door, today shared a behind-the-scenes look at how its ViewScreen...
Fuzzy Door Tech, a division of Seth MacFarlane’s (Family Guy, The Orville, Ted) production company Fuzzy Door, today launched the ViewScreen family of products...
Following the recently released teaser, Peacock today unleashed the Bostonian-accented adult comedy beast with the official trailer for Ted -- a new live-action series starring...
Seth MacFarlane, the creator of hit animated sitcoms Family Guy and American Dad! as well as the live-action sci-fi comedy The Orville and feature films Ted and...
Fuzzy Door, the production company run by Seth MacFarlane (creator, Family Guy, American Dad!) and President Erica Huggins, has hired former Siri CMO Faith...
Peacock announced today the main casting for Ted, the highly-anticipated live-action comedy series based on the blockbuster film franchise, with Seth MacFarlane (The Orville,...
September is Curiosity Month, and fans of a certain mischievous monkey will find the perfect celebration in the new Peacock Original Curious George: Cape...
Peacock has announced a straight-to-series order for Ted, from UCP, a division of Universal Studio Group, and MRC Television. The live-action series, based on...
Goon Cartoons, an original comedy animation channel on YouTube founded in 2012, announced the launch of their website and redesign of their YouTube presence,...
Emmy-nominated writer/producer Wellesley Wild (Family Guy) has signed an exclusive, multi-year overall deal with Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) in a first for the studio....
Family Guy creator and multi-Emmy-winner Seth MacFarlane is breaking up with Fox after two decades delivering hits for the network, having inked a new...
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