This month, Nickelodeon introduces viewers to the best-buddy heroes of its new 2D animated series Breadwinners: two booty-shaking ducks named SwaySway and Buhdeuce who...
Nickelodeon has put forth the call for submissions for its 2014 global Animated Shorts Program, which is designed to identify and develop new animation...
Breadwinners, a new animated series that sprang from Nickelodeon's 2012 Animated Shorts Program, is set to premiere as a half-hour series Feb. 17 on...
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood has announced the nominations for the 41st Annual Annie Awards. In the Best Animated Feature category, 2D is...
While many haven't even made their Thanksgiving plans, Cartoon Network has unveiled its special holiday programming for the month of December. Here's a brief...
Canada's Teletoon has announced its eclectic slate of new and returning shows for the fall season, which kicks off on September 2:
"Teletoon Canada's comedy-filled...
Warner Bros. Television has revealed the slate of new and returning series that will be highlighted on its Comic-Con International events schedule. In addition...
The debut episode of Warner Bros. Animation’s much anticipated new series Teen Titans Go!, which had been a source of controversy among die-hard comic-book...
Kids cabler Nickelodeon has renewed and expanded its animated shorts program which was created to find original comedy-driven content for kids. This year’s initiative will...
Warner Bros. Animation takes the old Teen Titans characters in a totally new direction in the upcoming Cartoon Network series.
It’s a well-known fact that...
Opting for road-show presentations to key clients and partners instead of the traditional upfront presentation, Cartoon Network has announced a dozen new productions and...
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