Warner Bros. Animation has kicked off production on an all-new animated action-comedy DC Super Hero Girls, charging onto the small screen via Cartoon Network...
Rebecca Sugar’s critically acclaimed fantasy-adventure Steven Universe is returning to Cartoon Network for a five-night run of new episodes, beginning Monday, May 8 at...
CROWDFUND: Animated Political Satire 'A Foul American'
The animated series is co-created by voice actor Greg Cipes (Teen Titans Go!, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and...
VIDEO: Teen Titans Go! “Hand Zombie"
In the all-new episode premiering Friday, April 21 at 6/5c on Cartoon Network, Starfire kisses Robin’s hand (Clip 1!),...
Global kids brand Cartoon Network has announced a well-plotted slate of content for the 2017-18 upfront season designed to offer fans something new every...
Fan can relive the ultimate animated Amazon adventure as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment released Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition -- a fresh treatment of Lauren...
Award season rolls on, and Animation Magazine is excited to bring you an exclusive announcement of the nominees in all three animation categories for...
Turner's children's brands in Asia Pacific -- Cartoon Network, Boomerang, POGO and Toonami -- combined forces over the last year to create the region's...
Cartoon Network is kickin’ off 2017 right with brand new episodes of fan-favorite shows running through the month of January. JG Quintel’s Emmy-winning Regular...
Longtime Cartoon Network development executives Curtis Lelash and Tramm Wigzell have been promoted to Senior Vice President, Original Series, as announced by Chief Content...
DC's elite super hero squad will begin an all-new series of animated adventures next month as Justice League Action premieres on Cartoon Network with...
Internationally renowned science whiz and pop culture icon Neil deGrasse Tyson will be appearing as his cartoon-ified self in an all new spooky special...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Entertainment have unmasked the official trailer for upcoming animated feature Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders. The campy...
Corus Entertainment has unveiled the fall programming lineups for its Canadian kids’ networks, with new fresh titles and new seasons of fan favorites heading...
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