This week on Cartoon Network, a special five-day Teen Titans GO! programming event will have Robin, Raven, Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy all washed...
Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. Animation have revealed a closer look at the upcoming epic crossover episode “TTG v PPG” -- premiering Thursday, June...
Warner Bros. Television Group will have a record-setting lineup at this year's Comic-Con International in San Diego (July 20-24), with 21 fan-favorite and anticipated...
Retro videogame-themed art events org iam8bit will be celebrating its 10th anniversary with a hefty exhibit coinciding with E3, opening June 18 at the...
Cartoon Network unveiled its 2015-16 programming lineup, adding three new animated series as well as several special events and acquired series.
New original programs include:
Canadian cable outlet Teletoon's fall lineup includes world premieres of two new Canada-produced series, Dr. Dimensionpants and Chop Chop Ninja, as well as Canadian...
Move over, cynically commercialized Hallmark Holidays, there's a new celebration in town. Cartoon Network is launching a brand new tradition with Uncle Grandpa Day...
Sam Register has been promoted to the newly created position of president of Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Digital Series.
Register will head up a...
Cartoon Network announced its original programming slate for 2014-2015, featuring experiments such as the network's first miniseries and comfortable old favorites like a new...
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