Netflix today unveiled the official teaser trailer and new images from its highly anticipated animated series Asterix & Obelix: The Big Fight, based on the...
Signature Entertainment has acquired rights to the CG-animated sequel The Jungle Bunch World Tour from M6 Group's SND, and will be bringing the family adventure...
Viva Kids has picked up U.S. distribution rights to Argonuts, the latest CG-animated feature from Toulouse, France-based TAT Productions. Titled Pattie et la colère de Poséidon in...
Belgium’s Ketnet-VRT, France’s MIAM! Animation and TAT productions were awarded the 2021 Cartoon Tributes, the prize created in 2006 to recognize the outstanding contribution...
In a message sent out to participating category voters, the Academy revealed that Paramount/Nickelodeon's The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run -- which was...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced feature films eligible for consideration in the Animated Feature Film, Documentary Feature and International...
Nothing says animation festival season is officially upon us like the arrival of the biggest event of the year, the glorious Annecy International Animated...
The 21st Cartoon Movie, the European pitching event for animated features, was held in Bordeaux last week, welcoming about 900 participants from 40 different...
The international animated feature film co-production forum Cartoon Movie will hold its 21st edition March 5-7, returning to Bordeaux in France’s Nouvelle-Aquitaine region for...
Cartoon Movie, the European pitching event for animation films, took place in Bordeaux last week with more than 900 participants (+20% in two years)...
Last week, over 900 international animation producers, directors, distributors, sales agents from 41 different countries gathered in Bordeaux for the 20th edition of the...
The 20th edition of Cartoon Movie, the annual feature development summit, draws the best of Europe’s animation talent to the French City, March 7-9.
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