A festive tradition continues as The Animation Guild presents online and in-person holiday markets showcasing the talents of its Union members. Both markets will...
The Animation Guild (TAG), IATSE Local 839, announced that 11 animation workers at Whiteboard Geeks in Virginia have filed with the National Labor Relations...
The Animation Guild (TAG), IATSE Local 839, announced Tuesday via X/Twitter that the production workers at Walt Disney Animation Studios have voted overwhelmingly in...
Production workers at sibling studios Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network have made a bid to unionize under The Animation Guild. A petition for...
With the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) united in a simultaneous production strike for the first time since 1960,...
The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839, announced an historic milestone Friday: After a successful unionization effort to be represented by TAG, the bargaining unit...
The Animation Guild and the Titmouse NY Organizing Committee announce the ratification of TAG's first collective bargaining agreement with Titmouse's New York studio. This...
Today (Monday, April 3) at noon, The Animation Guild leadership and Walt Disney Animation Studios artists joined Walt Disney Animation Studios production workers in...
A supermajority of production workers at Walt Disney Animation Studio (WDAS) has unionized with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) to bargain...
The Animation Guild’s Black Artists Group will present Colorful Characters, a mixed-media exhibition by animation industry professionals at Gallery 839. The show, which begins...
Nickelodeon Animation Studios has agreed to voluntarily recognize The Animation Guild as the bargaining representative for production workers at the studio. Production workers at...
In the latest step forward for worker solidarity in animation, a super majority of production workers at Nickelodeon Animation Studio has voted to unionize...
Animation production workers at yet another hit-maker studio have organized for collective bargaining under the guidance of The Animation Guild (IATSE local 839), this...
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